Monday, July 29, 2019



Nutrition is in every nut, but researchers have find out some of their specific nutritional power in specific nuts.
The fat or calories in nuts don't contribute to diabetes, obesity, or poor health such as sugars do. Nuts  don't make us fatter in fact, studies show the different truth.
Nuts are great sources of healthy, anti- inflammatory polyunsaturated fats. They contain minerals like magnesium  and zinc in abundance and contain antioxidants.
Nuts are good for weight loss, good for blood pressure, arterial health and lower the risk of cancer and heart diseases also prevent type 2 diabetes and nuts can keep you alive longer. 

Almonds lower cholesterol and the risk of heart disease, the magnesium they contain lessens the chance of sudden heart attack; they prevent diabetes by stabilizing blood sugar and they deliver minerals like manganese and copper, along with antioxidants ( vitamin E)


Walnuts are good for everything from cancer to bone health  prevention of blood sugar control, the main benefit is to our arterial function. they also contain a good dose of omega-3 fats (ALA, OR alpha-linoleic acid).    

Brazil nuts are mostly valued for their high levels of selenium, a mineral that are important for our metabolism, thyroid function, digestive health, protection against arthritis, and detoxification. 


Pecans are rich in minerals especially copper and manganese.
 They are powerful as walnuts when it comes to fight against
 cancer (antioxidants). They are also been associated with
 favorable cholesterol and levels of triglyceride.


Hazelnuts are good for endothelial function and keep bad cholesterol from oxidizing (like- walnuts).
Total antioxidant  capacity  is  more than double that of almonds.


Unlike most nuts, macadamias contain the monounsaturated fats as olive oil and they can improve overall cholesterol.


An amino acid (Arginine) which is found in meat, fish, seeds, shellfish, and abundantly in pistachios. Nitric oxide  is produced by it in the body which improve blood flow and arterial functions.

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