Tuesday, July 16, 2019



                               Food → is elixir of life → provides energy.
The basic need of human is food to satisfy the hunger. Food is intimately interlaced into the physical, psychological, intellectual, economic and social life of human. It is also a part of human culture and found in many different symbolism and meanings for every individual at various stages and ages of maturity.
Produce of agriculture like pulses, cereals, fruit and vegetables, also reared animals for slaughter, eggs, milk, etc. Food when consumed, it undergoes different changes and digestion to fulfill the requirements of body. Before consumption and after production , it is subjected to various adverse chemical, physical, parasitic or microbial factors which many result in the food spoilage and when consumed can  cause disease. In order to protect or prevent these damages and food for future use requires storage, processing and preservation. The food for consumption must have proper colour, texture, juiciness, odour, taste and appearance. From few year great advancement is made in the study of this field of the preservation, properties and raw food processing and the quality and quantity of finished food products.
Now days there is a tremendous growth of world population. So, there is a risk of  shortage of supply.  So there should be efficiently utilization of the existing sources of food and must concentrate on developing entirely new ones. And control artificial foods, with respect to attribute of quality of eating, nutrition content.