Friday, December 25, 2020

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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Antioxidants in health and disease


Antioxidants in health and disease

As part of normal cellular function, free radical production occurs continuously in all cells. However, in many diseases, excess free radical production originating from endogenous or exogenous sources could play a role. By preventing the formation of radicals, scavenging them, or promoting their decomposition, antioxidants avoid free radical-induced tissue damage. This paper discusses the fundamental chemistry of the production of free radicals in the body, the implications of tissue damage caused by free radicals, and the role of antioxidant protection mechanisms, with special regard to the development of atherosclerosis. An antioxidant can be defined as: “any substance that, when present in low concentrations compared to that of an oxidizable substrate, significantly delays or inhibits the oxidation of that substrate”. As this definition suggests, the physiological role of antioxidants is to prevent damage to cellular components arising as a consequence of chemical reactions involving free radicals. A significant body of evidence has grown in recent years supporting a central role for free radicals in many fundamental cellular reactions and indicating that in the pathophysiology of common diseases, including atherosclerosis, chronic renal failure, and diabetes mellitus, oxidative stress could be essential. The objective of this review is to consider the mechanisms involved in the formation of free radicals in the body, the consequences of tissue damage caused by free radicals, and the function of antioxidant defense systems in health and disease.


Ø  Antioxidants, known as oxidative stress, will safeguard against the cell damage that free radicals cause.

Ø  Protects cells against premature and abnormal aging.

Ø  Helps fight age-related molecular degeneration.

Ø  It supports the body's immune system.

Ø  It reduces free radicals.

Ø  It stimulates the growth of normal cells.

Types of antioxidants:

Ø  Vitamins A, C, E.

Ø  Anthocyanins.

Ø  Beta carotene.

Ø  Catechins.

Ø  Ellagic acid.

Ø  Lycopene.

Ø  Selenium.


Monday, October 5, 2020

Ginger Tea Vs. Turmeric Tea: What's Better


Ginger Tea Vs. Turmeric Tea: What's Better

Turmeric and ginger are both from the same flowering plant family. They are widely used in cuisines worldwide and are also known for their impressive medicinal properties. The importance of these two extraordinary spices is not only endorsed in Ayurveda, but also in modern science. The health effects of these two spices are infinite, from cough and cold remedies to chronic pain and inflammation. Besides, their fat-burning properties are often vouched for. Many individuals turn to ginger or turmeric tea to improve their metabolism and speed up the process of weight loss on a quest to shed kilos. A lot of individuals swear by their performance. But the problem is that if we have to pick one of the two, then one of the two is more advantageous.

The nutrient content

Ginger and turmeric booths are derived from the same root family, but they taste different and are used in various ways when cooking cuisine.

 Turmeric, Nutritional Content

Turmeric is part of Indian cuisine that is inseparable. The yellow spice gives the food a good hue. In powdered shape, it is often used. Rarely does a raw root find a spot in the kitchen. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is an essential compound and holds many of the yellow spice's curing properties. It has important properties that are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Apart from this, other nutrients such as calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, linolenic acids, and proteins are also found in turmeric.

Ginger, nutrient content

Ginger, both powdered and natural is used in both ways. Ginger is used to adding spice as well as savory dishes to all desserts. There are numerous compounds in the ginger root, such as palmitic, oleic, capric, and linoleic acids. The key compounds responsible for the medicinal activity of the spice are Zingiberene and phenols.

Turmeric and weight loss

Turmeric tea, which is an important feature when attempting to lose kilos, is used to cure stomach-related illnesses. Warm tea also helps to monitor the level of blood sugar, and its anti-inflammatory effects inhibit the proliferation of fat cells. Curcumin, the most essential compound contained in turmeric, is known for its fat burner activity that may be useful to speed up the process of weight loss. In over 1,600 persons, a study of 21 studies showed that curcumin consumption would help to minimize weight, BMI, and waist circumference. In addition, it also helps to regulate metabolism.

Ginger and weight loss

Ginger has compounds called shogaols and gingerols. In your body, these compounds induce many biochemical processes that aid in the weight loss process. Ginger's antioxidant effects help regulate free radicals that can battle the body's inflammation. Small experiments carried out a few years ago show that for a longer time, ginger will make a person feel fuller. Moreover, your weight loss strategy may get an additional boost if you take ginger and lemon together.

The verdict

Both ginger and turmeric contains several special compounds that have properties for metabolism-boosting and fat-burning. In addition, there is evidence to prove their efficacy. So, when attempting to lose weight, you can have some other drink. You can make tea containing both to offer an extra boost. In a glass of sugar, cook grated ginger and half a teaspoon of turmeric. Strain yourself and enjoy it.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Foods to avoid in breakfast once you hit 40 or 50

 Foods to avoid in breakfast once you hit 40

You should be especially careful about your wellbeing until the aging period begins. But you should stop those foods at breakfast until you turn 40. Check out the below list. It's still advisable to limit your poor eating habits until you reach 30. Aim to get healthier meals and cut back on sugar stuff. But this procedure is meant to be more rigorous when you turn 40. In your meals, you should take out certain foods which are not safe.

Like, maybe you have a lot of things in your breakfast that shouldn't be eaten at all after 40. At this age, they're incredibly dangerous. They will raise the risk of multiple chronic health conditions.

Breakfast foods that should be avoided after 40:

  •  butter and toast 

Turn it up with whole-grain bread and peanut butter, instead of including toast and sugar with your meal.

  • Smooth fruit 

Smoothies are a great breakfast choice but only if you add fruits and veggies into them. The sugar-packed smoothies have no nutritional benefits. Try keeping a healthy fruit and veggie mix in your smoothies.

  • cereal

In your breakfast you may have had a lot of cereals, so now is the time to avoid eating them. They are loaded with sugar.

  • Flavored oatmeal packets

Try to stop bags of flavored oats for breakfast. They're filled with loads of sugar that end up compromising your body.

  • A sugar, cream, and coffee 

One cup of hot coffee is perfect to improve your appetite and fight your cravings in the middle of the morning. Although if you add a lot of sugar and cream in the coffee, then you are going to kill the effects of caffeine.

Thursday, September 10, 2020


Specific advantages of vitamin B: 

the solid immune systemhealthy digestion, and more; Brich food 


One of the best ways to build resistance to the novel infection with coronavirus and other viral attacks is to feed your 
body with nutrient-dense foods that can help strengthen your immune system, the first line of defense for your body against viruses and diseases. 
Research has shown that consuming foods that are rich in certain vitamins such as complex vitamin B, 
vitamin Cvitamin D, vitamin B, and vitamin E-can help the immune system fight infections.
The novel pandemic coronavirus (SARS-CoV-has now affected nearly 
16,514,500 individuals and taken at least 654,477 lives worldwide. 
With no treatment available for the lethal virus triggering COVID-19, taking all necessary precautions and keeping healthier 
lifestyle, including consuming nutritious diet, it is the best for all of us not to catch it first. 
Indeed, India's Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI) recently recommended that vitamin B-rich, 
plant-based foods be included in diet to improve the nervous system and immunity.

What are the health 

benefits of Complex Vitamin B?
In general, the complex of vitamin consists of eight 
separate vitamins, which are essential to preserving healthy health and wellbeing. 
vitamins include thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), 
pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folic acid, or folate (B9), and cobalamin (B12).

Many of the advantages of 
complexing with vitamin include:
  • It may help to strengthen your immune system 
    and thus prevent or reduce your risk of infection 
  • It helps boost 
    red blood cell growth 
  • It facilitates the proper functioning of 
    the nerve and of the brain 
  • It increases 
    energy efficiency 
  • This stimulates 
    cardiovascular health
  • Good 
    for digestion 
  • It sustains 
    muscle tone 
  • It promotes hormone- 
    and cholesterol development
vitamins are especially important for pregnant and lactating women, as they help 
in the development of the foetal brain and reduce the risk of birth defects. 
This supplements can also help 
to increase men's testosterone levels.

Food sources of vitamin B complex

  • Leafy greens
  • Eggs
  • Salmon
  • Walnuts
  • Legumes